Please ensure you have at least v16.5 of the Target Tracker software installed on your computer.
To check this, go to File > About (bottom right-hand corner of File menu box)
To update to 16.5: Installing / Updating the Target Tracker software
At Target Tracker we feel assessment data should only be manually entered once and then imported electronically into other systems.
**IMPORTANT: We are aware that the PAG will reject data returns from Target Tracker** Our advice is to either;
- (Recommended) Simply complete Steps 1 and 4 and make your return from your MIS, or
- Edit the data return file from Target Tracker following the guidance in this article; Resolving an invalid data return CTF
Useful Link: KS2 Teacher Assessment Guidance
Please Note: For measuring the steps progress these children have made KS2, we recommend that teachers in Yr6 make a Step judgement in Summer 2 as well as their Statutory End of Key Stage judgement.
Entering End of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessments
There are 2 ways to enter these into Target Tracker:
A) Home >Pupil Selection > Choose class or Year 6 > Primary > Tracking Grid (Write or Admin users only)
***Since 2019 Yr6 children who are working at the standard of the tests only have to be teacher assessed for Writing and Science - children who are working below the standard of the test should however be teacher assessed using the Pre Key Stage Standards or The Engagement Model.***
To enter judgements, right-click on a cell in the Y6 TAF column and choose to: Edit Y6 TAF as below:
B) Home > Pupil Selection > Choose class or Year 6 > Primary > KS End of Key Stage > KS2 End of Key Stage 2 (Limited Write, Write or Admin users)
Choose a subject and use the Next Pupil Button to display one child at a time.
Simply double click in the cell to enter the standard the child has achieved for the subject.
***Remembering Yr6 children who are working at the standard of the tests only have to be teacher assessed for Writing and Science
Please note: any children working below the standard of the test have to be assessed in all subjects.
Checking KS2 TA Data that has been entered
Primary Reports > Key Stage > Key Stage 2 > Key Stage 2 Data Return
Noting that the Reading and Maths columns will be empty for most children
Submitting KS2 TA data to the STA (via the Primary Assessment Gateway)
DfE guidance: Submitting KS2 Teacher Assessments
We are aware that the PAG is rejecting data returns from Target Tracker, so either
1. Create the ‘KS2 TA Data for MIS’ file from TT – import this into your MIS and create the return from there
To create the file for your MIS
- Create a file in Target Tracker to transfer End of Key Stage 2 TA and/or Test data that is in Target Tracker to your Management System.
File > Export > Data for MIS > KS2 TA Data for MIS
- Import this file into your MIS and
- Create your Data Return from your MIS and send it securely
2. Create the ‘KS2 TA Data Return for STA’ file from TT and edit it.
To create the file for the STA
File > Export > Data Returns > KS2 TA Data Return for STA
We advise contextual information is updated before completing this - Guidance for Updating Pupil Information in Target Tracker
You will need to be logged in as an Admin user.
If any pupils have missing or invalid assessments, a message will inform you - click Show Details to see pupils’ names and enter missing assessment or code in the Tracking Grid.
To edit the file
Resolving an invalid data return CTF
Importing test scores
Managing End of Key Stage Assessments with Target Tracker - KS2 (Importing and Entering Test Scores)
For a printable guide with more detailed information including how to
export data to your MIS,
analyse your data, as well as,
import data you have entered in your MIS into Target Tracker, if you choose this option.
please see our Quick Start guide here.
***Known issue re CTF Data Returns : Please check our 🔧 Status Updates page***
If you have further questions find out how to contact us here.