As you will be aware, in response to the 2017 consultation on primary assessment, on 20 July 2022, the DfE announced that Assessments at the end of KS1 would become non-statutory from the academic year 2023 to 2024.
However as the STA are still producing optional tests for schools to use, you may still wish to record these in Target Tracker for internal use.
Please ensure you have at least v16.5 of the Target Tracker software installed on your computer.
To check this, go to File > About (bottom right-hand corner of File menu box)
To update to 16.5: Installing / Updating the Target Tracker software
At Target Tracker we feel assessment data should only be manually entered once and then imported electronically into other systems.
Choose what works for you – enter KS1 data into TT and then export to your MIS or vice versa.
Please Note: For measuring steps progress when these children move to KS2, we recommend that teachers in Yr2 make a Step judgement in Summer 2 as well as their Statutory End of Key Stage judgement.
Entering KS1 Test Scores
Home > Pupil Selection > Select Class/ Yr Group > Primary > Tracking Grid.
Click on Tests, choose KS1 SATs (Write or Admin users only).
Enter the raw scores, by right-clicking on a cell in the SAT column and choose; Edit Reading Y2 SAT.
Entering End of Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments
DfE Guidance: Non-statutory teacher assessment frameworks at the end of Key Stage 1
There are 2 ways to enter this in Target Tracker:
A) Home > Pupil Selection > Select Class/ Yr Group >Primary > Tracking Grid
Enter the judgements, by right-clicking on a cell in the Yr2 TAF column and choose to Edit Yr2 TAF for Reading/Writing/Maths/Science.
B) Home > Pupil Selection > Select Class/ Yr Group >Primary > KS End of Key Stage > KS1 End of Key Stage 1
Choose a subject and use the Next Pupil Button to display one child at a time.Here you can see which of the TAF objectives have been achieved by each child, if they have been highlighted.Simply double click on the cell to enter the standard the child has achieved for the subject.
Checking KS1 TA Data that has been entered
Home > Select Yr 2 > Primary Reports > Key Stage > Key Stage 1 > Key Stage 1 Data Return
All columns should be populated for every child, in most cases.
There is no requirement to submit the test or TA judgements
The aim of the optional assessments is to give schools access to test papers to support in the measurement of pupil achievement and to help identify where their pupils need additional support as they transition into key stage 2 (KS2). The tests can also be used to inform teacher assessment judgements using the optional teacher assessment frameworks.
The government encourages schools to administer the optional tests and teacher assessments, but there is no requirement to use these, or report results to parents or local authorities, and they will not be used for school accountability purposes. Schools who do not use the optional tests and teacher assessments do not have to report this to STA.
Taken from this document
If you would like the data to be in Target Tracker and your MIS you can still export and import KS1 data between the two;
From Target Tracker to your MIS
File > Export > Data for MIS
This will create a file that can be imported into your MIS - please refer to your MIS for guidance regarding how to successfully import the file once it has been created.
From your MIS to Target Tracker
To update Target Tracker with assessment data from your MIS - Guidance for Updating Pupil Information from your MIS in Target Tracker
(please ensure you follow the instructions for updating assessment data, not just contextual)
Useful report
A particularly useful report for comparing optional KS1 test results with Teacher Judgements, whether that be 2B, 2B+, 2W etc or WTS, EXS and GDS is the Assessment Conversion Report;
Home > Primary Reports > Attainment and Progress / Assessment Conversion
Then change the drop down options on the menu accordingly.
Optional Test against Target Tracker Step
Optional Test against Optional TA
If you have further questions find out how to contact us here.