If you are unable to access Target Tracker from all devices within a school, this may be due to the settings managed by your Internet Service Provider.
Background Information
Target Tracker requires outgoing, stateful access to TCP Port 1433 to allow communication between the client (Target Tracker) at the school end and Microsoft SQL Azure at the other.
Only outbound connections on TCP port 1433 are needed for the application to communicate with SQL Azure database - inbound connections on TCP port 1433 should remain blocked.
There are 3 options to achieve this.
All of these will work but the first is the most desirable to ensure that no future changes will be needed:
1 - Enable TCP Port 1433 for outgoing, stateful access
2 - The following might work on SOME firewalls - enable TCP port 1433 to the address nxxnm6x5dr.database.windows.net (this is our server address)
3 - Enable TCP port 1433 to the specific addresses,,, and and (added March 2024)
***As the ip addresses used are likely to change, and if they do, access will be interrupted, we are sharing Microsoft's advice;
Microsoft strongly encourage customers to move away from relying on any individual Gateway IP address (since these will be retired in the future). Instead allow network traffic to reach both the individual Gateway IP addresses and Gateway IP address subnets in a region.
Gateway IP address subnets to include:,,,
NB: Enabling an outbound only firewall rule does not introduce any risks related to unauthorised inbound access through the firewall. Any communication passing through this port must be initiated from the internal network - external devices cannot make a connection to internal services.
Outbound traffic is commonly blocked to prevent malicious software that has infected internal devices from transmitting data to externally hosted rogue servers. Restricting the outbound rule to a set range of destination IP addresses helps mitigate this risk.
Target Tracker data is held at the Microsoft data centre in Dublin at a single address
For clarity - the Target Tracker iOS app and Target Tracker Link parent portal will be unaffected by this change.