As we are no longer creating new versions of the Target Tracker software in preparation for supporting schools to migrate to Sonar,
***ALL CTFs created in other systems will show as invalid when importing into Target Tracker and need editing before importing.***
Depending on the file, the process will be different;
Importing the KS2 results file from the Primary Assessment Gateway?
Edit like this - Editing the KS2 file from the PAG
Updating Contextual Information from Integris, Arbor, School Pod as well as when importing the MTC file?
Complete steps 1 and 2 below
You will need to edit the CTF version from 24.0 to 22.0.
and the new 'Sex' tag to say 'Gender'.
NB: If your MIS is Sims, Scholarpack, Bromcom, Pupil Asset or Horizons and you are just wanting to update contextual information, continue as usual - you do not need to edit the file. Find guidance for updating from these MIS here - Guidance for Updating Contextual Information from your MIS in Target Tracker - Sims, Scholarpack, Bromcom, Pupil Asset and Horizons ONLY.
Please follow the instructions for this simple process below;
1. All new CTFS are version 24.0. Target Tracker can only accept version 22.0
This is simple to edit by;
right clicking on the CTF you downloaded from your MIS and
selecting open with...
Changing <CTFversion>24.0</CTFversion> to <CTFversion>22.0</CTFversion>
Like this;
Select File and Save.
You will now need to edit the file further;
2. CTF 24 files use the 'sex' tag (<Sex>M</Sex>) rather than 'gender' (<Gender>M</Gender>). Target Tracker only accepts the 'gender' tag, so if the 'sex' tag is used the file will be invalid. Again this can be edited by opening the file with Notepad;
Go to where your CTF is saved (often Downloads)
Right click on the CTF
Select Open with...
Both tags; <Sex> and </Sex> need changing
Select Edit and Replace
1. To change<Sex>
Replace <Sex> with <Gender>
Replace all
Then ensure you also
Replace </Sex> with </Gender> NB:You must use a capital G
2. To change</Sex>
Replace all
Select File and Save
Import into Target Tracker
A video of this process can be found here.
If having completed these edits the file is still not valid please;
1. Check you have the latest version of Target Tracker software installed (16.5);
If you do not have 16.5, update your software and try to import the file again.
File still invalid?
Please check;
1) You used a capital G for Gender
2) You replaced both <Sex> tags
so replaced <Sex>M</Sex>
with <Gender>M</Gender>
Sometimes it is an entry associated with a child's record that Target tracker is unable to validate. If you have 16.5 installed and you have already edited the CTF version yet the file is still invalid please contact support so we can investigate this further with you.